University Teaching Awards
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Jayhawk Welcome Center
7 p.m.
Excellence in teaching is central to KU’s mission and integral to the KU experience.
With this in mind, the university celebrated excellence in the classroom at the University Teaching Awards on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at the Jayhawk Welcome Center. Hosted by Chancellor Girod, this annual event celebrated winners of all of KU's annual teaching awards from the Lawrence and KU Medical Center campuses.
Videos and photos from the event will be available on this website soon.
Lawrence Campus
Bob & Kathie Taylor Excellence in Teaching Award
- Dyan Morgan, associate teaching professor, undergraduate biology program
Chancellors Club Career Teaching Award
- Brian Laird, professor, chemistry
Chancellor’s Club Teaching Professorship
- Shannon O’Lear, professor, geography & atmospheric science
International Affairs Advisory Board International Teaching Award
- Melinda Lewis, professor of the practice, social welfare
Ned Fleming Trust Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Jennifer Gleason, associate professor, ecology & evolutionary biology
William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence (originally announced in July 2024)
- Jenny Archibald, associate teaching professor, undergraduate biology program
- Alison Gabriele, professor, linguistics
- Tim Jackson, professor, chemistry
- Allison Kirkpatrick, associate professor, physics & astronomy
- Nilou Vakil, associate professor, architecture
KU Medical Center
Chancellors Club Teaching Professorship
- Nelda Godfrey, professor, nursing
- Wolfram Zückert, professor, microbiology, molecular genetics & immunology
Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Awards
- Cheen Alkhatib, associate professor, anesthesiology, pain & perioperative medicine
- David Becker, assistant professor, internal medicine
- Kirk Miller, associate professor, radiology
- Ericka Sanner-Stiehr, clinical associate professor, nursing